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Q. On my dashboard I see 1 available rollback but when I navigate to the tasks page for completed tasks, all the buttons for rollbacks are disabled
The rollback feature is available for any task that’s completed as it checks the end time of the task. If the dashboard hasn’t been refreshed it might be showing old data. Please refresh the dashboard to see the latest data.
Q. What does it mean when my upcoming task shows stale
The stale status means that the tasks have failed while in operation. It will only appear if the task has been running longer than 3 hours. This failure may have occurred due to a number of reasons, such as authentication failure, server restart during the operation due to an error etc. In this regard, a refresh button will be present to clear the task from your upcoming task screen.
Q. I receive an error when uploading a CSV file
Please check your activity logs at all times, as the app provides the reason for each failure that occurs. Most probably, you may have exceeded your file upload limit. Increase this in your settings page (if feasible) - if that’s the case in your situation.
Q. I cannot create a new task because the button is disabled
The new task button is disabled only on two conditions
You have not configured an API key
Your license has expired
If both are satisfied, the button should be enabled.
Q. Can I use this app to manage users in Confluence, Trello or Bitbucket
Technically yes, because the BulkOps Org works on an organization level, you can manage any product you have in the organization.
Q. Do I need Atlassian Guard together with this app
Some of the features provided by the app require Atlassian Guard to be present in your organization. In such an event, it is only feasible that you already have an Atlassian Guard subscription before you can use such a feature.
Q. The email I’m trying to change to already exists, what do I do?
When scheduling your task, make sure to use the force change indicator as mentioned on Force change an email even though the email address is taken.
Q. What happens if the server restarts and I have a pending task
We automatically monitor when there’s no activity to perform a restart. However, even during a restart, we push all failed jobs into a queue that will replay the entire task. In essence, we’ll likely detect it and perform the task as scheduled
Q. Does the user's page update immediately once changes are done
Not entirely, it depends on sync interval and or updated entries per task that is run. Typically the app would attempt to update the records once changes are made but this is not guaranteed. The only guarantee is when the user’s data is synced with your Admin hub then you can always get updated data.
Q. I deleted the connected app links but I still see the options when creating a new task
After a deletion, a refresh happens automatically. If this doesn’t happen, please manually refresh your tab to have the list updated removing those options provided by the connected app links.
Q. I received a warning that the “configuration is busy by another user” when I tried to save my configuration but I’m the only admin in our organization
The app has system users which are constantly running, it is possible that a system user was performing an activity while you were about to save your configuration. Typically, this is very fast and the next time you save, the operation should go through.
Q. How do I know if there are errors associated with my API key
Turn on the “notify on task completion” in your settings. This enables the app to notify you either via in-app or email (if known to the app) of task failures.
Q. I received an error of ORG_NOT_SUPPORTED what does it mean
Q. Do I receive an alert for the delete account feature
Yes, you will receive a notification for each user that the account has been marked for deletion. This email is sent to notify all Org admins within your admin hub.
Q. Can I disable the notification for each deleted account
Unfortunately, the API doesn’t specify if the notification can be disabled. Therefore, if you’re bulk deleting 10K users, expect to receive that many notifications.
Q. I am getting errors when bulk changing email addresses
Please ensure that you have fulfilled the below requirements for a successful change
Your target domain must be verified
You should be the Org Admin
You should have the privilege to update the user’s detail
Your domain should be part of the targeted domain you intend to change
Ensure the emails being changed are already verified emails
Q. In the settings page my timezone does not seem correct
The timezone section will attempt to get your current timezone based on your profile. If that is not available, it will default to the timezone of your Cloud site. It might not be available because the information may be private based on your personal settings.
Q. The automatic user deactivation didn’t deactivate users
If you received the error message “User: Example User failed the deactivation sequence” in the activity logs - it means that the deactivation sequence for that user is not allowed. Probably due to the configuration in your SCIM database.
Check and ensure that such a user's email domain suffix is the same as the domain that is verified within that organization.