Bulk operations and limitations
Understanding the limitation of the BulkOps Free for Jira
The BulkOps Free for Jira can perform large amount of bulk operation as each task runs on the background. However, we have preset the current running job timeout for 10 minutes on any standard task. For longer jobs and other features please use the https://elfapp.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAP
Each file upload is limited to maximum of 2MiB of file storage
Please note that we do not store this file but temporarily need to create it for the contents to be read. After it has been created and processed, the file is deleted from our systems
The BulkOps Free for Jira works only on a site level and not on an organization level. Please understand this difference as you can use the features to delete users that you manage and not your managed users within your organization.
When each bulk operation task is run and it has exceeded the time limit, you will receive an in-app message stating the failure or success of the operation.