Accepted file format

Accepted file format

These are the requirements of acceptable file format for the BulkOps Org for Jira

Require 1-Column files:

  • A 1-column CSV file is required for features relating to the app links with BulkOps Pro such as creating or deleting groups by name. See How to create or delete groups

Require 2-Column files:

  • Most of the features of the app require a 2-column CSV file. You should create this file using any spreadsheet program ensuring that the file is in UTF-8 character encoding.

Require 3-Column files:

Require 4-Column files:

If you’re still in doubt, don’t make any assumptions. Please contact us for support.

  • The file format acceptable for uploads must either be a CSV or xlsx file

  • All files uploaded must be encoded in UTF-8 character encoding, any other encoding won’t be accepted by the app

  • Each feature of the BulkOps Org for Jira requires either a 1-column, 2-column, 3-column or 4-column CSV file. Ensure that you go through the documentation to see which one applies to the feature that you want to use.

  • The delimiter of a file can be a comma delimited file, other delimiters that are permittable by the app need to be chosen during the configuration of the task process. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delimiterto understand more about what it is.

  • When creating your CSV file for an upload, ensure that you see our example of the expected file. Please do not upload or assume what the file would look like. We have provided ample examples of these files. Take a moment to review them as this will save you effortless time trying to figure it out.