How to bulk delete account

How to bulk delete account

This document showcases how to delete accounts using the BulkOps Org for Jira

  • This operation allows you to delete the accounts of your managed users. There is a 14-day grace period before the account is finally deleted.

Step 1:

  • Access the BulkOps Org app and navigate to users on the side menu bar

  • Ensure you’ve already configured your API key by following this document How to configure an API key

  • Navigate to Tasks on the side menu bar to view your scheduled tasks.

  • Click on a new task

Create task
  • Upload your file. It has to be a CSV file. See the sample file format below, and if in doubt, see our Accepted file format for more information.

  • Select the operation you want to manage, in this case, the delete account operation

Delete account
  • Click the next button to proceed

Step 2:

  • Create the task name

  • Select the given date and time for the operation

    • If you want the operation to run immediately, please choose today as the date and the time should be the closest time on the form.

Schedule task

Step 3:

  • Review the configured task and ensure it meets your requirement

Review steps


  • Once the timeframe has elapsed, the given operation will run and perform the given task.

  • If your uploaded file is not delimited by a comma, use the checkbox to change to the right format of your uploaded file before moving to the next screen.