Difference between Org vs Pro version

Difference between Org vs Pro version

This document showcases a functional difference between BulkOps Org and BulkOps Pro





Performs only site level request

Performs Organization and site-level requests (via app links)

It does not have scheduling features

Able to schedule tasks to be triggered at a future date

No automation feature

It has an automation feature that allows the app to perform automated tasks

No feature for sending report usage

Able to send a report on usage

Notifies you on task completion/failure only via in-app messages

Able to notify you of task completion/failure via email and in-app messages

No dynamic support feature

It has a dynamic support feature which allows the app to monitor for errors and notify you on what to do.

No rollback feature

Ability to rollback changes that are done

No reminder feature

Provides a reminder feature which reminds you of upcoming tasks

Tasks are processed synchronously. If the task runs for too long, it will timeout.

Tasks are processed asynchronously. This helps to prevent timeouts by the app.