How to create a schedule task

How to create a schedule task

This document shows you how to create a new schedule task that will save you, your routine backup requirements.

Step 1


Login page

Step 2

  • Navigate to the schedule page and click on “New schedule” to begin


New schedule

Step 3

  • An onboard wizard-like page will appear that will take you through a series of fields to fill out your requirements.


Schedule an action

Step 4

  • The form validates your input and once all fields required are filled, the “next” button will be enabled for you.


  • Review your configurations as shown above and if everything is proper, click the “submit” button to create your scheduled task.



  • The JQL typed or pasted will be validated upon submission.

  • When pasting JQLs into the schedule form, you can search for the JQL in your Jira issue search to verify its validity, and copy and paste the text to the form “Enter your search query”.

  • If you intend to extract the data immediately, please select the current date and the extraction will be processed within the next 5 minutes.